"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!" -Romans 10:15

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Last Day

Yesterday was the last day of camp. It was a fun day, but also hard to say goodbye. There were lots of hugs and some tears.
This is Petra and her girls (Katka and Miska). Petra and her husband Ivan run the YMCA in Bystrica. We absolutely loved working with their family this week. They have such a passion for seeing the people of Slovakia come to know Christ. We will really miss them!
Around 4:00 on Friday, there was a closing ceremony that the parents were invited to. Each class shared something they learned this week, the kids received diplomas and we were all just able to fellowship. It was a great way to end the week and neat to be able to meet and talk to the parents. Here is the green class singing "The B-I-B-L-E"...
The Yellow Class singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"...
The Red Class doing "The Hokey Pokey"...
The students presented us with a sweet gift. They all put their handprints and names on a banner.
The Staff Girls. We LOVED getting to know each of these Slovak girls over this past week. They were wonderful to work with and so helpful. We will miss them!
The Staff Boys. They gave each of us from RBC a YMCA shirt as a gift.

We had an awesome week and were able to plant seeds and help lay the groundwork for English/Jesus Camps for years to come. We look forward to hearing about how those seeds grow as they are watered. We were extremely blessed to be a part of the lives of everyone we interacted with this week. We truly saw a glimpse of heaven in the way we worked with all of the Slovak leaders. It's amazing to see people from different places come together and worship the God we serve. We had such an amazing time in Slovakia this year with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. To God be the Glory.

We are now at the airport getting ready to fly to Athens. Here is the team around 9:00 am enjoying Starbucks about an hour before our plane leaves.
Thanks for being a part of the mission!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. This is Katka's mom, Katka from the red class. My daughter cannot forget the great times she had spent with you, she still remembers the song Awesome God, and would love to see you again, especially Charity, Christy and Jason.
    If you ever come to Slovakia, or even Banska Bystrica, get in touch. My email: katarina81@post.sk

    Thanks a lot for what you do.
    God bless you.
